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We are here to create what comes next – and that means we have to drive wider change, in part through how we operate as a business.
Equality is a key component of this.
We believe our actions will speak loudest in this area – but have summarised our approach and selected examples of these in practice.


To ensure everyone has equal opportunities through our operations, and feels that to be the case, across:

  • The services we provide

  • The way we hire

  • The way we develop people’s careers

  • Our suppliers and partners

  • The way we interact and our contexts, daily



Principle 1

We are all responsible for ensuring equality of opportunity.


How do we live it?
  1. Living it daily, challenging ourselves and others to meet these principles.


Principle 2

We discuss issues around equality.


How do we live it?
  1. In public – We provide employees the freedom to discuss issues around equality in a public space – openly in the office, through open team or one-to-one meetings, or on their individual social media platforms (excluding internal company discussions) 

  2. In private – Every employee has the right to disagree/agree with a cause/religion/matter and we support them having the conversation, respectfully)


Principle 3

Actions matter as much as words: what we do is key.


How do we live it?
  1. Vendor vetting

    • We review policies before signing to identify mutual equivalence of values/approach 

  2. Hiring policies

    • What we look for: We have clear criteria as to what we are identifying for in talent, which are behaviour and competency-driven

    • How we find them:

      • Entry-level recruitment is primarily conducted via LinkedIn and therefore open to all

      • Experienced hires are often (not always) through recruiters

        • We brief to ensure recruiters understand the above criteria we look for

        • They select with these principles/approaches in mind

        • We encourage them to send “atypical choices” to calibrate their judgment of our system/preferences

    • How we select:

      • We have a range of people who meet and assess candidates to get different perspectives.

      • We provide the opportunity to meet/discuss life at Onefifty with your peer group

  3. People policies

    • Employee feedback / performance frameworks conducted anonymously and with third-party provision

    • Access/engagement with management consistently

  4. How we engage with each other

    • Open communication: public slack channels are our primary mode of communication to ensure that everybody has the opportunity to be heard and listened to, by everyone

    • Monthly team meetings: a forum for discussions within the team around key topics

    • Monthly catch ups: a place to discuss more sensitive topics that people might not be comfortable discussing with everyone, as well as access to catch-ups with line manager if needed more urgently 

    • Team lunches and socials: designed with inclusion in mind

    • Daily interaction: we talk together as people, not our job roles. We have informal relationships with each other, which are not reflective of the hierarchy 

  5. Who we work for

    • We expect all clients to treat our staff with the equivalence of standards we would

  6. Longer-term:

    • Pay/diversity data transparency: we believe we need to hit a greater minimum size of employees before this is possible, to avoid breaching individual confidentiality, but are committed to doing so as soon as possible


Principle 4

Ability and effort are what should dictate your outcomes, not access to initial opportunity.


How do we live it?

Meet the team and see their individual progress.



This is an iterative and ever-evolving area, as we grow as a business, and these principles, and practices were produced by, and discussed with, the team as a whole.



Sound good? Work with us.

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