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Campaigning for democratic reform with the Electoral Reform Society

We needed to apply pressure on MPs, after the next general election, for democratic reform.


We had one goal, sign-ups, and these had to come from specific marginal seats, which would give the Electoral Reform Society the ability to put pressure on MPs.


We created a campaign using the newly introduced Voter Photo ID – a relevant current topic - as the hook to reach across regions and sign-up support for the key audiences on Meta. We created a messaging matrix to successfully reach our audiences with regionalised imagery and comms that played on themes of unfairness, silencing voters, partisan loyalty and cost. We produced 250 ad iterations, in four weeks, with more than 30 different images and their coordinating website landing pages.


With £16k, we reached more than 620,000
with a CPC of 46p & 12,000 registrations.



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