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Sep 6, 20173 min read
A year living social trends: September is the Life Reset
Another month, another trend. Here at OneFifty, we’re continuing to live social trends, with veganism, gin, outdoor cinema, and craft...

Sep 5, 20174 min read
Beer and Social Media Marketing – What Works?
It’s no secret that beer is a popular topic on social media, with over 3.7 million mentions over the past year. The reason we chose craft...

Jun 25, 20173 min read
A year living social trends: marble, an Interview with blogger Abi Dare, These Four Walls
For those of you that don’t know, we at OneFifty have identified a different trend each month from veganism to gin (we like to keep...

May 31, 20175 min read
The consumer trend we’re living this month – identified by social data – is gardening and as part of it we’re interviewing some prominent...

May 11, 20173 min read
Living social trends: the most popular flowers in social
As part of this month’s gardening trend, which we see thriving on social, I had the delightful job to look more closely into which...

Apr 28, 20172 min read
A year of living social trends: Eating the April health reset foods
This month the social trend we’re living is health reset. Food is a key element to the Easter period and that post-chocolate indulgence...

Apr 18, 20174 min read
In our last blog post we learned about ingredients that are driving the health reset conversation. We also learned that there is a...

Apr 13, 20174 min read
A year of living social trends. Health reset: the foods we’re chomping
As part of our year living social trends, this month we are living the health reset. Food is the key element of this April/Easter, so...

Apr 1, 20172 min read
A year of living social trends: April, health reset
We believe in the power of social data to reveal people’s behaviours, and well, in our own research. So, we’re putting our money where...

Mar 31, 20174 min read
An interview with Hannah Lanfear, brand ambassador for Jensen’s Gin
Whatever way you look at it, gin is on the rise. Not just in bars or supermarkets, but also online. Continuing our trend identification...

Mar 3, 20173 min read
A year of social trends: March is “Ginnaissance”
Appropriately enough in 2017’s Brexit Britain, the popularity of the iconically British Gin and Tonic owes it’s origins to the imposition...

Mar 3, 20174 min read
Getting back on a bike, after a 20 year hiatus.
It’s fair to say I haven’t been on a bike – properly – for a few years. Ok, make that over 20. Apparently I was never that interested as...

Feb 26, 20175 min read
Interview: CyclingCam talks cycling and vlogging
Cam is a fast-growing British vlogger and cyclist. As part of our month examining the growth of cycling and social trends around it,...

Feb 14, 20172 min read
The London cycling commute – from first-timer Matt
When I was told cycling was our February trend and that I was going to start commuting in by bike, I was less than enthusiastic. Yes,...
OneFifty Consultancy's social media and digital marketing blog, insights and news
Social media, influencer insights and digital marketing news and opinions.
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