Newsletters are not something you typically associate LinkedIn with, but with 28 million users now subscribed to a LinkedIn Newsletter, it’s a feature to (at least) be aware of (LinkedIn, 2023). The next 3 minutes will give you an overview of what they are, usage benefits, considerations, and the role for brands/ individuals.
To utilise Newsletters effectively, you need an understanding of LinkedIn Articles. Put shortly, these make up the individual pieces of content within a LinkedIn Newsletter.

Linkedin Articles - what are they?
Long-form pieces of content (similar to a blog), that can be discovered by anyone on LinkedIn and search engine
Can be posted by brands or individuals (only brands can use paid media to promote them)
Are shared with connections and followers on news feeds
Displayed in the activity section of a profile (screenshot to the right)
LinkedIn Newsletters - what are they?
They’re a collection of regularly published articles that LinkedIn users can subscribe to. In other words, without Articles there’s no Newsletter - the two work in unison with each other.

LinkedIn Newsletter mechanics
Once a newsletter is created, invites will automatically be sent to followers/ connections
If a user signs up to the newsletter, they can choose to receive notifications directly to feeds or/and (dependent on preferences) straight to their inbox
When a user starts following a new account which has a newsletter, a notification inviting them to subscribe is automatically sent
All LinkedIn members can discover, read, and share LinkedIn Newsletters
How is this different from a LinkedIn article?
The main difference is distribution. Unlike articles, users can subscribe to Newsletters, receiving notifications upon posting. Some users may even opt to be notified directly through LinkedIn Messaging.
Placement also differs, with the two features having separate drop downs in the activity section on LinkedIn pages (see screenshot below).

What are the benefits of LinkedIn Newsletters?
Given the overlap between Newsletters and Articles, many of the same benefits apply - we’ll start with these first.
Often overlooked are the SEO gains of these features. Unlike LinkedIn posts, Articles/ Newsletter content ranks on search. If you Google “how is AI impacting marketing?” you’ll find that the fourth-ranked site is a LinkedIn news article, written more than a year ago. This means a brand's LinkedIn article could be ranked at the top of page for a relevant search query (for years, potentially) - this presents a huge opportunity to generate qualified leads from search.
With a character limit of 125,000 per article, you’re able to deep dive into a subject, showcasing your expertise. It also offsets any negative changes you would otherwise make to a LinkedIn post to stay within the 3,000 character limit. This includes removing important content, or deprioritising your post through adding a website link with further information (LinkedIn wants users to stay in-app).
Newsletter specific benefits
It should come as no surprise, but subscribed users are far more likely to consume your content vs those who are not.
If you already have a newsletter sent on email, you might still be questioning why you should switch to LinkedIn Newsletters. Put simply, there’s a greater chance LinkedIn subscribers will read it, with LinkedIn messages having 4x higher open rates compared to traditional email (Semrush, 2025). Along with this, LinkedIn Newsletters are more likely to generate engagements from your target audience - it’s quicker to leave a comment than to reply back on email.
LinkedIn Newsletters - What to Consideration
Although there’s opportunity to capitalise on SEO benefits and showcasing expertise, there’s also an opportunity cost. Publishing regular LinkedIn Articles for a Newsletter is no small task - the time it takes to write one article could be spent creating 5 LinkedIn posts.
Although there is no weekly or monthly requirement to post Newsletter content, it does need new articles continuously added. Without this, you risk losing subscribers and the users who have joined your Newsletter/ community. With this in mind, make sure your Newsletter covers a topic that you can write in-depth on, and that you’re able to post about on a regular basis. Finally, not everything needs to be made into an Article, some things are better left as posts.
A quick note on Execs
Given the growing importance of individuals on LinkedIn, should execs be creating newsletters? In short, yes. Users are more likely to engage with an individual representing a brand, rather than the brand page itself. This is reflected in engagement data (OneFifty Consultancy, 2024), with Executives generating an average of 28% more engagements per post, despite having less than 10% the following of their brands (between July 2023 to July 2024). If we apply this to article leads from search, you can clearly see why individuals should be utilising LinkedIn Newsletters on behalf of brands.